No group exists, create one?
How it works?
- Group creation:
- After onboarding user first need to create group.
- Hit Create Group Button and provide some unique groupId/group name.
- After submitting, Sign the transaction and wait for you group to be created.
- Add Files:
- Click on your group.
- After Selecting files, firstly the files are encrypted using encryption key associated with the groupId.
- The encrypted files are then uploaded on IPFS and then on FileCoin via’s JS APIS
- We receive the root CID of the uploaded file.
- Using this CID we can access the encrypted file and decrypt it, via the same encryption key, to show under the Synced Files section.
- Add Friends in the group:
- Click on your group.
- Hit Add Friend CTA and enter friend’s valid wallet address
- After submitting, Sign the transaction and wait for your friend to get added to the group.
- Your friend can now see the groups as well as the files shared with them.